Information about future CYTA events.

This is a list of upcoming CYTA events. When we have more details you will be able to book them so keep your diary free if you would like to attend:
- Places for all events are limited.
- If you prefer free events can be booked though Sue Hargreaves at sueh.60 –at-
- Places for other events can be booked through the website or though Sue Hargreaves at sueh.60 –at- for bank transfer and cheque payments
DISCLAIMER: When attending any live streamed, pre-recorded or in person event, it is up to the individual attending to assess whether or not they are ready to attend the class in which they have chosen to participate. As the participant, if you suffer from specific injuries or disease, it is best to consult with your physician prior to attending.
By booking, you acknowledge that:
- You understand that this program/sequence is presented for use by existing students only
- You understand that an online class does not cover any liability or loss, personal or otherwise, incurred by you resulting from your participation in the online class(es) offered.
- During the in person or online class(es), live streamed or pre-recorded, you will be asked to complete the recommended activities to the best of your ability. The activities can and may be recommended to be adapted to suit your condition, insofar as possible. Should you experience any symptoms, pain, discomfort, or other concerns that may occur or change at any point during the class, you will immediately stop and abstain from the recommended Activities. You will proceed only at your sole discretion and at your own risk.
- You further understand that you take full responsibility for participating in and completing the recommended yoga positions to the best of your ability.
This disclaimer is similar to the one used on the website