Members of CYTA can have their details listed below free of charge.

Please replace the word ‘at’ with the @ symbol in the email addresses. This is to stop spam emails and prevent fraud.
Names in orange link to a members detailed profile.
Alison Dyke
Her teaching style is for over 50’s and Senior Citizens.
Small groups enable individual help.
Telephone: 01625 525 936
Contact: yogicheshirealison –at- outlook.com
Anne Goldstraw
Online classes available.
Macclesfield Library – Daytime
Anne teaches Hatha Yoga – 2 classes for Improvers and 1 class for Beginners (gentle/restorative yoga)
Each class finishes with total relaxation
For further details:
Telephone: 01625 260 493
Contact: annegoldstraw –at- virginmedia.com
Christine Royle
Sale, Manchester
Christine teaches Mixed ability/postures/relaxation/meditation.
Telephone: 0161 973 6833
Mobile: 07748 262 166
Contact: royle798 –at- btinternet.com
Diana Davidson
Diana teaches Hatha Yoga.
Telephone: 0161 929 1947
Contact: diana.j.davidson –at- btinternet.com
Jenny Hardy
Woodley and Marple
Jenny teaches Hatha Yoga.
Telephone: 0161 494 0834 or 07881 756 390
Contact: jennyhardy01 –at- googlemail.com
Judith Lynch
Judith teaches Hatha Yoga.
Telephone: 0161 449 7507
Contact: judith149 –at- sky.com
Kathryn Smith
Online classes available.
Mottram and Marple
Kathryn teaches General Yoga with an emphasis on correct alignment. All classes include a guided relaxing meditation.
Telephone: 07879 535 610
Contact: ksmith0161 –at- gmail.com
Margaret Woodworth
South Manchester
Margaret teaches Hatha Yoga.
Telephone: 07931 985 222
Contact: margaret.woodworth –at- btinternet.com
Audrey Youngman
Bramhall, Stockport and Wythenshaw.
Audrey teaches remedial yoga in Bramhall (M.S) and Stockport (Back care) and a general class in Wythenshawe.
Telephone: 01625532449
Contact: panda29 –at- sky.com
Julie Berrie
Gatley, Stockport and online.
Julie normally teaches Yoga in the Gatley area of Stockport and online via Zoom and email.
Telephone: aj.berrie –at- ntlworld.com
Contact: 07503 169542
Tabitha Dootson (nee Cohen)
Online and in person classes available.
Warrington, Sandymoor and Cuddington.
Tabitha teaches therapeutic hatha, dynamic vinyasa flow,beginners to experienced.Yoga therapy/hypnotherapy/ thai yoga massage.
Telephone: 07754 434 350 or 07553 945659
Contact: info –at- yogaincheshire.com
Website: yogaincheshire.com
Kate Knowles
Wirral area and online.
Kate teaches Hatha, Chair Yoga, Yoga for for Healthy Lower Backs, Menopause Yoga and Restorative Yin yoga.
Telephone: 07708 496645
Email: kateknowles1001 -at- yahoo.co.uk
Website: yogawithkate.org
David Glover
Online via Zoom from Stockport.
David teaches hatha yoga, restorative yoga and meditation for compete beginners to intermediate level.
Telephone: 07522 794 951
Contact: yogadave -at- bendyoga.co.uk
Website: bendyoga.co.uk
Follow me on Facebook and Youtube
Margaret Atherton
Telephone: 07792 093111
Email: bathers1 -at- sky.com
Margaret teachers mixed ability Hatha Yoga classes at Move Urmston and Stretford Leisure Centre