Information about the Cheshire Yoga Teachers Association (CYTA)

CYTA has been in the North West since 1985 and has remained as a small supportive organisation bringing yoga to the community and support for both newly qualified and experienced teachers in their continuous professional development.
Members and non members are welcome to our events which are held in 4 venues:
- Wilmslow Methodist Church Hall
- Rixton with Glazebrook (near Warrington) Community Hall
- Woodley Civic Hall, Stockport
- Dunham Massey Village Hall (Altrincham)
We hold annual events at these venues and also Zoom sessions, with a variety of tutors and topics.
What are the benefits of being a CYTA member?
- Members pay an admission fee reduced by 20%, to CYTA 1 day workshops , held annually in Spring and Autumn and bi- annually in Summer.
- Members can attend the FREE half day training workshop, held annually in September or October (followed by a social shared lunch) .
- Teaching members can have their classes listed on the CYTA website, along with any links to that member’s own website.
- Members receive a monthly update on future CYTA events and other articles of interest on the website.
- Members can attend the Annual General Meeting.
- Members have voting rights- to elect Committee and Officers.
- Members can apply to become a Committee member when a position becomes available
Do I have to be a teacher to join?
No, anyone can be a member and it helps you to widen your interest in yoga and keeps you informed as to what’s on.
What does it cost to become a member?
£12 annually which is less than 25p per week
How do I join?
Complete and return the membership application form on the website (from the top menu click on Resource and membership application). You can pay online, by BACS or Cheque.
Who can I contact if I have any queries?
To contact the Committee please use the website form by clicking the word CONTACT from the top menu and we will be in touch.
How do I find a class in my area?
Teaching members give their contact details on the website and a brief description of the type of classes they teach – click the word TEACHERS from the top menu.