Report on CYTA Zoom classes held December 2020 – February 2021
The CYTA Committee would like to express their gratitude to 3 CYTA members who kindly offered to host Zoom classes for our members during this lock-down. They were Anne Goldstraw, Tabitha Cohen-Dootson and Julie Berrie.
There follows a short report on each session, highlighting the main aspects.

On 12.12.20 Anne Goldstraw, who teaches Hatha yoga, led a class with the theme of Anxiety.
She helped us practise slower breathing, breathing in for 4 counts, out for 6. This helps to calm the mind. Anne offered some suggestions for cultivating positive thoughts: showing gratitude, hope and helping others. Also the mantra “Change your wiring, change your mind” Some of these ideas came from a useful book which Anne recommends: “Yoga as Medicine” by Tim McCall.
Starting with apana, pelvic tilts and bridge we moved onto downward dog, standing forward bend, a lying and deeper seated twist and cat posture. I particularly enjoyed a seated mini warm-up sequence, focussing on stretching the arms and the upper back. I loved the variation of a “simple” balance in first stage tree but with a block balancing on our heads. Eagle posture included an arm variation and there were additional neck movements included whilst in sphinx.
Stronger asanas followed. A dynamic Warrior 1 was followed by Warrior 2 which was static and held for a few breaths, focusing on the in breath to enhance opening in the posture and on the out breath to sink the hips. These postures put us through our paces. A strong hip and quad stretch lying on our sides completed the asanas. Pranayama and a lovely relaxation made for a thorough and well planned class.
Thank you Anne.

Tabitha Cohen-Dootson offered a breath focused Hatha practice 16.1.21
Tabitha teaches from a Viniyoga foundation, adding sequences and bhavana (focus) to encourage being present. Also encourages use of Ujjayi breathing.
A variety of lying warm-ups focused on synchronising breath and movement, practising firming the tummy towards the back on each out breath, flattening the back to the floor. We were then led through a version of cat posture and downward dog. Sphinx was followed by a twist. Tabitha led us through a kneeling sun salutation, ending with waterfall warrior and a deeper lunge, held for several breaths, with arms on the floor. The latter stretched deeply into our tight hip flexors.
An interesting approach was a series of movements where we were encouraged to work on tiptoes. This challenged our balance as did the Eagle pose afterwards. A wind milling side bend preceded a challenging warrior sequence. Then a chair posture sequence on tiptoes with side bends, back bend and forward fold.
Gentle apana, pigeon and flapping fish pose led us back to an appreciation of our breath, especially the power of the exhalation to allow us to let go physically and also let go of troubling emotions from the past year. Relaxation started with a variation of alternate nostril breathing, then a softening of the whole body. It ended with 5 breaths in through the nose out through the mouth sending us “to a place nobody needs us or wants anything from us.” A total relaxation after a vigorous class.
Thank you Tabitha

13th February Julie Berrie, a Hatha inspired yoga teacher, provided a session entitled: Mind, body, breath, enjoy!
Throughout the class Julie encouraged us to tune into relaxed breathing and listen to our bodies, moving just to the edge of our stretch with a “self care” approach which Julie reminded us we should apply in our home practice. We also practised moving in different and more creative ways as preludes to some postures.
Centring and tuning in to body, breath and mind was followed by a series of gentle to stronger warm-ups for joints, muscles and spine. I especially liked practising the recumbent position synchronised with the in and out breath and the way Julie talked us through the bridge posture.
Seated we worked on head/shoulders/upper back movements, an interesting pulsing hand mudra, a forward bend and some creative work on all 4s. Stretches in child posture and downward dog followed for those who wished. Standing postures started with a focus on the feet, then into wide squats with a twist to strengthen quads/inner thighs ready for a stretchy sequence of triangle, warrior 2 and extended lateral stretch. Throughout we were directed to do “less or more”.
A calming breath observation with alternate arms across chest, hand resting gently on opposite shoulder, was followed by a soothing relaxation. This allowed us to soften and sink, letting gravity do its work, bringing rest and calm. An enjoyable class encouraging us to stretch well while remaining focused on the support of the breath and the mind.
Thank you Julie.
Thanks to all the members who attended these sessions. It was really lovely to see you all and to support you in your yoga home practice.
Thank you to CYTA Committee for arranging the classes, especially to Sue Hargreaves.
Judith Lynch (CYTA Committee member)