January 2025 Theme

by Diana Davidson Vice Chair of CYTA

January the first month of the year was named after the Roman god Janus, often depicted with two faces – one looking back to the past and the other pointing to the future.

This is the season of resolutions and we need to look back at our failures and successes of the past year as we reflect on what we need to do to either maintain or change the progress of our lives. Resolutions are usually hard to make and then keep.

There is a story from Japanese folklore – I don’t know where I first heard this but it rings very true to me.

There was once a mystical bird who sat dreaming in the sun all day whilst the other birds were busy making their nests. When night came the busy birds were warm and cosy in their nests but the day dreamer was cold and hungry. In the morning he resolved to make his nest but – you’ve guessed it! He again sat on his branch and continued to daydream…….

Its OK to live in the present mindful moment but also we need to get real and take responsibility for our lives.

As a former relationship councillor and therapist I was able to encourage people to make significant changes by asking them

‘ Do you really want to change? ‘What would be the outcome?’

If you do want change – is it REALISTIC? – De clutter/practice your yoga more/be more understanding of people with problems of race/disability. Take better charge of your finances? – its for you to chose what is right for you.

Take it in small steps so that your goal/resolution is ACHIEVABLE – ask friends and family for help. Be positive.

Of course you need to be very honest with yourself and this is where Patanjali’s teaching of the Eightfold Path come into their own as they set up a structure of thought, behaviour and action. ie Tapas -Self Discipline Satya – truthfulness Ahimsa- do no harm-non violence – mentally/physically to self or others. Aparigraha – Don’t be greedy –hording- holding onto ‘stuff’

But above all, I think that we all seek contentment – Santosha, making and keeping resolutions go a long way to achieving this state of mind.

The flower emblem for January is the carnation and the gem stone is a garnet, both are red and this is also the colour of our base/root chakra Muladhara. The postures most associated with Muladhara are situated at the base of the spine/pelvis. These if practised regularly will keep us grounded and in balance.

Red in all its various hues is said to be very energising so maybe you might like to have some red around you when you practise or just in your everyday life-I always feel better and more alive when I am wearing red- even if it is only a touch of ‘lippy’

Asanas for Muladhara Chakra

Tadasana (tree) Set resolve, use ujjai breath for strength

Padottanasana Standing forward bend


Any of the Warrior poses – what does your body need today?

Finish with Maltese Cross, reflect on what you have achieved- is there need of change in action or attitude?

Meditation or Relaxation -your choice

I wish you all Santosha for 2025
