How can yoga help me get a good night’s sleep?
Thursday 21st November 8-9.30 pm
Tutor: Jackie Hudson
We will be practising specific practices to sooth and smooth the nervous system and prepare for a peaceful sleep. Pranayama, asanas and mudras with a nidra for sleep.
Carve out this time for yourself, making sure you have done all you need to do when you join the session so that you can completely relax.
This will be a mat-based (or bed-based) practise. Make sure you are in a quiet, warm space and feel free to wear your pj’s.
Tickets: £8 for CYTA Members and Non-Members
This event will be held online so you will need a phone, tablet or computer with Zoom installed before you access the class.
If you would prefer to pay by cheque or BACS please click here.