Letter from Christine Royle, Chair of CYTA

Email: royle798 -at- btinternet.com
Telephone: 0161-945-2077
I first started Yoga in 1971 to regain my strength after a long illness. I qualified as a British Wheel of Yoga Diploma Teacher in 1976 and I have been teaching Yoga since then.
Prior to that I was a Secondary School Teacher and Further Education Teacher. I left teaching in Schools and Collages and started my own Yoga business in 1981 “The Northern School of Yoga” Sale Cheshire. It was my family home as well to four generation, my Father, Daughter and three children, plus myself. In 2015 I sold the house, but continued with my Yoga business around Sale.
I have been the Chair Person for the Cheshire Yoga Teachers for many years. I have a wonderful Committee to help me organise many events for our Members.
I have held various posts for The British Wheel of Yoga North West. Treasurer for 5 years, Regional Training Officer 2002 for 4 years, 2006 Regional Officer for 6 years, Cheshire County Rep for one year and I am now currently back as the Deputy Regional Officer and Regional Training Officer.
For 23 years I taught Yoga abroad for Activity Holidays in Tunisia, Portugal, Corfu, Majorca and various venues in the UK. I have also tutored at many Seminars throughout the UK as guest Tutor.
Some of my most enjoyable times have been organising and giving stage demonstrations with my students at the Retirement Show Manchester Central (GMEX).
I have been a qualified therapist since 1986. Therapies include Remedial Massage, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Sports Injuries, Colour Healing, Crystal Healing and Indian Head Massage.
In 1989- Runner up in Practitioner of the year Tyringham Naturopathic Clinic Award.
1991-Elected a member of the Faculty of Physiatrics and licensed to use the letters M.F.Phys.
Despite my age I am a very active person I love Ballroom and Latin American Dancing and going to Rock n’ Roll Gigs. but my main love is yoga. It is one of the kindest things you can do for yourself.
It helps to keep you feeling young, flexible and relaxed. Its certainly not all about getting your foot behind your head or doing head stands. You can start at any age and just enjoy it.
My classes are for any age or ability. I specialise in gentle yoga for the over 50s, Chair Yoga, Breathing Exercises, Relaxation and Meditation. Do give it a try. You will never look back.