CYTA Membership Application

Membership of CYTA costs £12 per year.

If you would like to become a member of CYTA or if you are a former member of CYTA and would like to re-apply for membership please click on one of the green buttons below.

Option 1 (most popular):

I wish to to become a NEW member of CYTA and apply ONLINE.

CYTA will charge an annual subscription of £12 automatically to your Credit/Debit Card.

You can cancel at any time by emailing or calling 07 464 309 362


I have PREVIOUSLY been a member of CYTA in the past and wish to RE-JOIN online.

CYTA will charge an annual subscription of £12 automatically to your Credit/Debit Card.

You can cancel at any time by emailing or calling 07 464 309 362

Option 3:

I would like to join CYTA however, I would prefer to apply by POST using a cheque or BACS.