Finding Balance with Kate Knowles

Thanks to Kate Knowles, a new member of CYTA, who kindly led a yoga class, entitled “Finding Balance” on Saturday 17th April 2021.
The title was broadly interpreted to cover balance in the whole self – body, mind and spirit. Kate helped us to settle with a centring exercise and slow movements plus calm breathing – in and out to a count of five. Throughout the session she reminded us of the value of slowing down. The warm-ups included repeated asymmetric arm stretches in a version of bridge, followed by one symmetrical stretch. Asymmetric stretches, Kate told us, help to balance the right and left sides of the brain. We were introduced to a couple more asymmetric movements later on.
We practised a number of balance asanas, including several on all fours, standing on one leg on a block while moving the arms and the other leg, standing on tiptoes raising alternate arms, a dynamic tree pose plus a static version and standing upright from high kneeling. This prepared us for a more challenging balance sequence which incorporated all the standing balances we had already practised – and more! We also practised eye stretches and freeing neck movements which can contribute to good balance. Massaging our feet and manipulating the toes helped ensure we were grounded and our weight distributed well across both sides of the body, in preparation for these postures.
A seated twist and a supported cobbler completed the posture work. Alternate nostril breathing gave us another opportunity to slow and balance our breathing by inhaling and exhaling to a count of five. Cushions were also recommended for the relaxation and “Bluebell” visualisation. Kate concluded with a Namaste quote and a short chant.
A thorough and well-planned class delivered with a calm and gentle vibe. Thank you Kate and welcome to CYTA. (NB: Kate recommended the book “Breath” by James Nestor and told us it is sometimes available at just 99p on Kindle)
Author: Judith Lynch
Copyright Cheshire Yoga Teachers association 2021