Opening up your Heart with Anne Goldstraw

Anne began our ‘Opening up your Heart’ yoga practice with a brief introduction about Anahata, the heart Chakra and its various associations such as the colour green, the element air and the Hridaya hasta mudra. Using this hand gesture we slowed our breath visualising a green triangle.
We began with seated poses to open our shoulders, Dandasana and Ardha Matsyasana followed by its counter pose Paschimottanasana. A version of Marichyasana three was next before we moved to stamina building standing poses which included Trikonasana, Virabhadrasana two and Parsvakanasana.
Anne explained each pose in detail and modifications were offered.
Our practice continued with Shashankasana flowing into Marjoriasana or Bhujangasana for those of us who preferred a stronger asana.
Thread the needle followed before we moved onto back-bends consisting of Sarpasana, Salabhasana and Sphinx incorporating head and neck rolls.
We balanced in Vyagrasana and then came to Savasana with two blocks placed under the shoulder blades to open our heart centre. Here we practised Pranayama with a ratio 4:6.
Our asana practice finished by crossing our legs in the air whilst still in Savasana and gently pulling the knees down to stretch the back of the pelvis and the glutes. Anne was very encouraging throughout the session which was delivered with professionalism and knowledge. A beautiful relaxation entitled “Rose of the Heart meditation” concluded our practise.
Anne was given excellent feedback and we look forward to working with her again!
A strong and fun class enjoyed by all.
Author: Kathryn Smith