Report on CYTA workshop Saturday 22nd October 2022

David Glover led the workshop at Dunham Massey Village Hall. 21 people enjoyed a varied and interesting day. The asana work focused on yoga for healthy backs but the day also involved us in chanting, an introduction to the Tattwas and a quest for our spirit animal.
The posture work in the morning was largely based on the Complete Core Practice A section of the book “Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs” by Alison Trewhela and Anne Semlyen. This in turn reflected the research sponsored by The University of York about 15 years ago on the benefits of yoga for chronic low back pain. The movements were largely familiar but we were encouraged to consider the effects of working slowly, gently and mindfully, with an awareness of how these postures can be used for helping our students to access yoga and relieve back pain. A useful posture – the sacroiliac stabilizer – was perhaps a posture new to some of us. In the afternoon we worked in pairs using props, such as the wall, table and chairs to consider helpful adaptations for back stretches when we, or our students, have the start of a painful back episode. Maybe the most helpful of these is the relaxation pose with calves resting on the chair seat and padding under head, neck and back, as appropriate.
The introduction to Tattwa Shuddi – the material aspects -as interpreted by the Mandala Yoga Ashram involved visualisation of the shapes, colours and symbols representing different parts of the trunk. There was also chanting and pranayama practice. A discussion ensued about different interpretations of this Tattwa.
The final part of the session involved traveling to another realm to see if we could find our animal familiar or other good spirit guide. This is a Shamanic Healing practice. David played his drum which vibrated in our chest area and we prepared by becoming heart centered in our awareness. A few people met and communicated with their animal spirit and some with a good spirit guide. Others found being close to nature and a sense of freedom to enjoy that space stimulating and liberating.
Some flowing movements, followed by relaxation, completed a lovely day of activities.
Thanks to David for leading a thoroughly enjoyable and different day. Feedback from attendees:
“I enjoyed the day very much, it was interesting.”
“Very much enjoyed the day and catching up with everyone.”
“It was varied and interesting. Thanks once again.”
Thank you to all who attended the day and to the CYTA Committee for organising it.
Author: Judith Lynch
Image: Bridget Laing