Report on CYTA Event September 9th 2023
Report by Sue Hargreaves
Our 2 hour half day event at Wilmslow Methodist Church Hall was taken by Andrea Hughes. Originally , Dr. Jenny Fox -Eades was to guide us through the session, entitled ‘At the still point of the turning world- Moving in stillness and stillness in movement: Exploring the Alexander Technique.’
Andrea proved to be an excellent replacement- thanks go to both Andrea and Jenny.
Andrea started with arranging us sitting on chairs in a circle. She encouraged us to find and use our ‘sitting bones’ and to settle into the correct position, then explained to us that our head needed to be correctly aligned and balanced upon the spine as it was a heavy load to carry around . She demonstrated this by passing a solid ball , weighing 10lb ( the human head weighs approx. 10 lbs) , around the group . Many were quite shocked by the weight in their hands.
With the aid of a ‘spine’ and ‘skull’ she went on to explain the movement of the head and how it rocks on the top of the spine. We felt for our occipital area at the base of the skull and Andrea explained that this area needs to be ‘soft’ and ‘melt back’ in order for us to be well balanced . She encouraged us to feel our back teeth lengthening us back and feel the shoulders move down and back , relaxing them aided by what she called a ‘honey scarf’ melting them into position. She spent time going round the group aiding them into the correct alignment. Coming to standing, Andrea asked us to be aware of the line from ear downwards to little fingers and again made adjustments throughout each change of instruction on alignment. Breathing into the lower side ribs and standing correctly was part of this alignment. From standing work, floor work followed, with the final emphasis on breathing (like a baby) and back position, to achieve good positioning for relaxation.
22 people attended and many stayed for the shared lunch and social catch up. Thanks to everyone who stayed and brought food to share , including those who were unable to stay. Also, for helping out with kitchen duties. It was good to see so many members and to welcome the non members.
A successful day, and thank you to all those who joined us to share Andrea’s expertise and time.
Here are thoughts on the session, from some of those who attended:
My takeaway from the session was that I love the idea to “take up more space”. I find I make way for people a lot, on so many levels, so it is interesting to explore taking up more space in myself and therefore allowing my natural posture to realign me.
I found Andrea’s talk excellent. It was great that she not only showed us the points on the skull but came round to each of us so that we could actually feel these points with which to align our neck, head and spine. Also how to lift the eyes and then let the head join in the movement. Smashing morning. Thanks for organising it.
I enjoyed this morning’s relaxed and quiet session. It gave me an insight as to how to hold my body and use my mind to relax any tension, especially my neck.
Her anatomy demonstration made it easier to visualise what is happening within our neck etc.
A very interesting and enjoyable session. Thank you.
From the class today I have taken away the fact that being mindful of the alignment of the head, neck and spine and the subtle changes we can all make during our day to day activities can enable us to gain benefit and our bodies to function better.
She reminded us that we carry an individual habitual posture that causes trigger points of stress to our spine , and thus gives us pain or difficulty.
I really connected with the head /eye movement to connect with releasing into the neck and noticing alignment and how we hold our heads. Also, the effect of moving the lower jaw /teeth and softening into that space at the back of the head/neck. Felt I should have known the top of the neck was at the base of the ear . All really useful for practice and teaching.
The Alexander Technique workshop was really enjoyable and interesting. Since the event I have been finding myself walking taller, checking the balance of weight between my heels. When I’ve not been standing, I have been sitting on my sitting bones noticing my torso gracefully floating upwards. And at all times, my clavicles have been smiling, as well as my mouth!
Really enjoyed Saturdays CYTA, the Alexander Technique, was encouraged to think very differently about how we deal with ourselves!
Many thanks to those of you who send in your thoughts on the session.
My take aways include the following;
How heavy the head is
The importance of head alignment
The awareness of tension being held in the body in our every day lives and the importance of letting it go
The honey scarf draped across the chest and pouring down the back
The drawing back not pushing forwards (to be remembered and applied when driving).
Also the realisation that all these things are only useful to us when we put them into practice.