CYTA Tombola Summer Festival 2022 Question and answer session.

As part of the Summer Festival CYTA arranged a question and answer session to help new Yoga teachers. Here are a selection of them:
We split into groups and each took prepared questions from a hat.
Q1: What is the funniest thing that has happened during a Yoga Class?
Breaking wind.
Animals and husbands walking past screen in Zoom classes.
Phones ringing.
People taking photographs during the class.
Confusing right and left when mirroring poses.
Getting the name of the pose wrong and being corrected by the students.
Q2: What do you wish someone had told you when you first started teaching Yoga?
Speak in a clear voice.
Always have a few extra poses in case you finish early.
Get to know your students.
Q3: How do you create a lesson plan?
Keeping notes.
Write out the class.
Have a theme.
Vary classes each time.
Q4: Do you look at the website for information?
Check events.
Read book reviews.
Useful tips page.
Theme of month.
People found the website helpful.
Q5: What do you think is most important in a Yoga class/workshop?
Teachers knowledge of Yoga.
Speed of class.
Modify class for those challenged physically or emotionally.
Q6: Would you like the CYTA Committee to organise more festivals.
Suggestion that holding the Festival in the Summer clashed with peoples holidays.
Suggestion holding Festival in alternate years and/or in Spring or Autumn.
Festivals are popular with members and non members and give CYTA the opportunity to try new things.